
InvaderisapseudonymousFrenchstreetartistidentifiedasFranckSlama.Heisknownforhisceramictilemosaicsmodeledonthepixelatedartof ...,2023年7月12日—TheanonymousandsecretiveartistInvaderhasplacedmorethan4100tileimagesofSpaceInvadercharactersaroundtheworld.,2020年12月7日—SpaceInvader或稱Invader,一位國際知名的街頭藝術家,來自法國,藝名的靈感取材自1978年起風靡多時的街頭電玩遊戲機「太空侵略者」SpaceInva...

Invader (artist)

Invader is a pseudonymous French street artist identified as Franck Slama. He is known for his ceramic tile mosaics modeled on the pixelated art of ...

Space Invaders and the modern age

2023年7月12日 — The anonymous and secretive artist Invader has placed more than 4100 tile images of Space Invader characters around the world.

SPACE INVADER 數碼懷舊地球是他的遊樂場

2020年12月7日 — Space Invader或稱Invader,一位國際知名的街頭藝術家,來自法國,藝名的靈感取材自1978年起風靡多時的街頭電玩遊戲機「太空侵略者」Space Invaders。


Invader is an anonymous French street artist best known for pixelated mosaics installed in cities around the world. Invader's works are composed of tiles ...


In the late 1990s, anonymous French artist Invader began cementing and gluing ceramic mosaic Space Invaders—pixelated characters from the eponymous 1978 video ...

Invader (@invaderwashere) • Instagram photos and videos

717K Followers, 0 Following, 1281 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Invader (@invaderwashere)

The Global Ambitions of Invader's Street Art

2023年12月11日 — To the street-art impresario Steve Lazarides, Invader is a purist in a milieu awash in easy money and obvious gags. “He's willing to put his ...


They have been installed with the help of the Artist Jason deCaires on a series of his sculptures. What is the Space Shop? It is an online store that I opened ...


HOME NEWS WORLD INVASION MORE PROJECTS SHOP ABOUT. This is the official website of Invader.

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能
